



Sweden’s Healthcare system endorses licensed medical doctors to arbitrarily or discriminatorily deselect their listed patients without any medical or reality-based justification. In this case, an innocent citizen in Sweden has been banished from receiving healthcare services from the assigned/listed doctor during the past two years. By neglect of a response from Sweden’s national government, the federal government of Sweden has clearly signalled approval that doctors’ discriminatory deselection of listed patients (in absolute absence of factual or medical justification for doctors’refusal to provide healthcare services to some patients), is an ethically and legally acceptable praxis in Sweden.










The Swedish Healthcare system has now obstructed Torsten Nenzén from listing with, and visiting, a medical practitioner of choice within Sweden for more than two years (since October 2014).


Previously disclosed deselection/discrimination against the person Torsten Nenzén by the Swedishness medical practitioners of the Swedish health care system: http://www.nenzen.net/Swedish-Healthcare-Inaccessibility.htm


Swedish medical doctors’ arbitrary or discriminatory deselection of listed patients without medical or reality-based justification is legally endorsed by Sweden’s Health and Social Care Inspectorate (IVO), with consequent healthcare inaccessibility to some citizens and residents of Sweden.


When an innocent listed patient, who is legally outlawed from Sweden’s healthcare system services through the assigned/listed doctor’s unjustifiable deselection, and subsequent other doctoral covert disqualification from enlistment, appealed on humanitarian grounds to the national Swedish Government and to the Swedish Minister of Health Care more than one year ago, and repeated the appeal and inquiry to the natonal Swedish Government one year later, Sweden’s national government continue to refuse to answer or to comment.


By the absence of a Swedish governmental response to the appeal, legal deselection/discrimination and subsequent banishment against a residential citizen of Sweden from access to health care services within Sweden with an assigned/listed doctor, clearly aligns with the Swedish parliament’s values and with a Swedish political mindset.





On the website of the Swedish primary health care centre in Stockholm, Familjeläkargruppen Odenplan (http://www.flgo.se), where Torsten is waitlisted, the health care centre declares “Den som redan är listad hos annan husläkare kan ställa sig på väntelista.” (Persons who already are listed with another family doctor can be placed on a waiting list.). This statement by Familjeläkargruppen Odenplan Health Centre is contradicted by the statement of the Swedishness medical practitioner, Olga Anikina Redmo, at Matteus Vårdcentral Health Centre (http://www.kvam.nu) with whom Torsten remains listed. Matteus Vårdcentral Health Centre states the opposite message of Familjeläkargruppen Odenplan Health Centre: “Välj en annan mottagning och husläkare. Så länge du är listad på mig kan andra mottagningar neka dig listning men om du är olistad kan ingen säga ’nej’.” (Choose a different health centre and family doctor. As long as you are listed for me other health centres can deny you listing, but if you are unlisted nobody can say 'no'.).


·        Image confirming Matteus Vårdcentral Health Centre reconfirmation statement in December 2016 by Swedish medical practitioner Olga Anikina Redmo of refusal to provide health care to Torsten since November 2014: http://www.nenzen.net/MVK_Kvartersakuten-Matteus_kvam.nu_2016-12-02.JPG

·        Image confirming still active queuing in December 2016: http://www.nenzen.net/MVK_vardval_20161202.JPG

·        Image confirming Familjeläkargruppen Odenplan Health Centre public statement on its website http://www.flgo.se: http://www.nenzen.net/MVK_FLG-Odenplan_queue.JPG

·        Image confirming Familjeläkargruppen Odenplan Health Centre confirming statement of placement on their waiting list: http://www.nenzen.net/flgo.se__redan-listad-hos-annan-huslakare-kan-vantelistas-till-Familjelakargruppen-Odenplan.JPG


The new letters of appeal/inquiry to the Swedish Government, one year after the first of appeal/inquiry to Sweden’s national government, can be read beneath:














Fri, 2 Dec 2016 13:41:58 +0100


torsten@nenzen.net <torsten@nenzen.org>


landstinget@sll.se, registrator.lsf@sll.se, registrator.hsn@sll.se, registrator@pan.sll.se, socialdepartementet.registrator@regeringskansliet.se


registrator@ivo.se, patientvagledare@karolinska.se, ingela.snahr@pan.sll.se, mats.haapanen@pan.sll.se, renate.cremer@pan.sll.se


Deselection/discrimination against patients by the Swedish Health Care System.


To: Stockholms Läns Landsting, and the Government of Sweden




My name is Torsten. I have a permanent address in Sweden, and I have a valid Swedish passport.


One year ago, I contacted Stockholms Läns Landsting and the Swedish federal government regarding an inquiry to obtain health services within Sweden. Both Stockholms Läns Landsting and the Swedish federal government ignored to answer.


This link provides background information to the deselection/discrimination against the person Torsten Nenzén by the Swedishness medical practitioners of the Swedish health care system: http://www.nenzen.net/Swedish-Healthcare-Inaccessibility.htm


One year later, I still endeavour to discover a Health Centre anywhere in Stockholm where I would be permitted to visit a medical doctor, to attain necessary laboratory examinations, and to obtain necessary prescription medications.


A Swedish director/doctor of Kvartersakuten Matteus Health Centre in Stockholm, Olga Anikina Redmo, banned (deselected) the person Torsten Nenzén as a patient. The reason for the Swedishness doctor’s deselection/banishment was a written insinuation (false accusation) by the Swedishness doctor that Torsten Nenzén is too dangerous to qualify for health services at Kvartersakuten Matteus Health Centre (http://www.kvam.nu).


The Swedishness doctor insinuated (falsely accused) Torsten Nenzén of the following:


"I feel scared and threatened. [...] I feel harassed, threatened and persecuted by you. [...] I [can] not be your family doctor and guarantee you a good care. [...] I can not provide care to you anymore. [...] Make use of [1177.se] and look for a different clinic."

- Olga Anikina Redmo, family practitioner and manager of Matthew Health Centre Stockholm (http://www.kvam.nu)


The Swedishness Healthcare system has now obstructed Torsten Nenzén from listing and visiting a medical practitioner of choice within Sweden for more than two years (since October 2014). Torsten Nenzén acutely needs to obtain necessary prescription medications.


On December 2, 2016, the Swedishness director/doctor of Kvartersakuten Matteus Health Centre in Stockholm confirmed again the Swedishness refusal to provide any health care or necessary prescription medication to the listed patient Torsten Nenzén. Although Torsten Nenzén has been queued to be admitted as a patient at the adjacent Familjeläkargruppen Odenplan Health Centre (http://www.flgo.se) since 2015-09-23, and although this health centre assured in May 2016 that a placement as listed patient would be accepted in October 2016, this health centre has still not in December 2016 permitted Torsten Nenzén to become a listed patient.


Currently 2016-12-02, there is still no primary care health centre in Sweden where Torsten Nenzén is welcome to receive health care as a [listed] patient. Attached are images of communications with Kvartersakuten Matteus Health Centre and Familjeläkargruppen Odenplan Health Centre, confirming the statements by Torsten Nenzén in this letter.


Is there a Health Centre anywhere in Stockholm where, with a valid Swedish passport, Torsten Nenzén would be permitted to visit a medical doctor, and would be permitted obtain necessary laboratory results and necessary prescription medications?


Best regards,


Torsten Nenzén










Tue, 6 Dec 2016 09:55:04 +0100 (CET)


IVO <upplysning@ivo.se>






 VB: Deselection/discrimination against patients by the Swedish Health Care System.[Ärendenummer# 161202-000098]




By your description, we interpret it as your email in the first place is all about the attitude from the staff. IVO is not investigating, as a rule, compleins related  to attitudes. Therefore, we recommend you to contact Patientnämnden for support and assistance in dealing with the health care provider.


Med vänlig hälsning



Telefonväxel: 010-788 50 00

Inspektionen för vård och omsorg (IVO)

Box 6202

102 34 Stockholm










Tue, 6 Dec 2016 10:57:04 +0100


torsten@nenzen.net <torsten@nenzen.org>


IVO <ivo@mailgb.custhelp.com>, registrator@ivo.se


landstinget@sll.se, registrator.lsf@sll.se, registrator.hsn@sll.se, registrator@pan.sll.se, socialdepartementet.registrator@regeringskansliet.se, patientvagledare@karolinska.se, ingela.snahr@pan.sll.se, mats.haapanen@pan.sll.se


Re:  VB: Deselection/discrimination against patients by the Swedish Health Care System.[Ärendenummer# 161202-000098]


Inspektionen för vård och omsorg (IVO).




The described scenario from the past two years of:

(1) inaccessibility for a resident and citizen in Stockholm to be listed with any family doctor in Stockholm, by factually-unmotivated deselection/discrimination by the listed doctor, and similarly by other inquired primary health care facilities in Stockholm refusing to accept the patient to be listed with them, and

(2) the deselection/discrimination of a patient by the family doctor which the patient is listed with, and

(3) the refusal to provide any at all medical services to the listed patient by the family doctor of which the patient is listed, and

(4) the baseless (absolute absence of factual basis) insinuations (false accusations) by the family doctor that the patient would be a dangerous person, and this family doctor’s absolute refusal to explain or provide a factual reason for the doctor’s grave insinuations against the innocent patient, is medically unprofessional and unethical, and therefore should be viewed as trespasses beyond the confines of a described problem with Swedishness attitude. The described problem is wider than a mere Swedishness attitude issue.


IVO would seem to imagine that the described scenario strictly concerns the the Swedishness attitudes among primary health care medical practitioners in Sweden, but this complaint encompasses far more than this Swedishness attitude. This complaint should be regarded as principally and ethically important regarding lawfulness of active deselection/descrimination of listed patients. Should it be ethically acceptable that medical doctors in Sweden can choose their patients, and choose to decline treatment of patients which the doctors dislike? If Swedishness doctors do not like Christians, should Swedishness doctors be permitted by law to refuse provision of medical services to persons who openly declare their faith as Christians? If for example Swedishness doctors do not like coloured people, or new immigrants, or Jews, or Romani, should these Swedishness doctors be permitted to deselect/discriminate against those persons too by refusing provision of medical services?


Is IVO confirming the lawfulness of deselection/discrimination by medical doctors in Sweden?




Torsten Nenzén










Tue, 20 Dec 2016 12:57:23 +0000


Expertsvar <expertsvar@ivo.se>


torsten@nenzen.org <torsten@nenzen.org>


SV:  VB: Deselection/discrimination against patients by the Swedish Health Care System.[Ärendenummer# 161202-000098]


IVO is not able to influence the care of individual patients  by, for example, arguing that certain treatments are to take place. The care an individual patient receives is determined by the attending physician in consultation with the patient. You can turn to Patientnämnden, who can aid you in presenting your case to the responsible healthcare. If you wish to make a formal complaint, please visit our website www.ivo.se



Med vänlig hälsning



Telefonväxel: 010-788 50 00

Inspektionen för vård och omsorg (IVO)

Box 6202

102 34 Stockholm
